What is the difference between a real estate appraisal and an “avis de valeur” (French analog to a basic estimation) ?

The real estate appraisal is carried out by a trained professional with liability insurance for this activity. Real estate appraisal consists in assessing the market value of a real estate or commercial property at the present moment.

The real estate appraisal is established using various recognized valuation methods in order to arrive at the market value of the property.

The expert’s report is a complete document of around thirty pages. it is enforceable within the framework of amicable administrative or legal proceedings, which is not the case with the “avis de valeur”.

An expert report is frequently requested in the following contexts:

Divorce or separation, community liquidation,
Succession, donation-sharing,
Release of joint ownership,
Declaration for the IFI (tax on real estate wealth),
Bank loan, in particular in the context of bridging credit

The “avis de valeur” is generally established by a real estate agent and consists of appreciating a range of prices in order to prepare a transaction, mainly a sale. This document, drawn up on approximately two pages, is of limited scope.

What is the timeframe for carrying out a real estate appraisal?

The timeframe for carrying out a real estate appraisal is around one month. It can be reduced for emergency reasons.


What is the price of a real estate appraisal?

It depends on the nature of the property, the time spent, the difficulty of the mission, the number of searches …

However, the expertise is always the subject of a preliminary estimate sent to the applicant and precisely defining the expert’s mission.


How is a real estate appraisal carried out?

1. Contact: you let us know your request and we send you a quote.

2. Visit of the property: after acceptance of the estimate, we agree together on the appointment for the visit of the property.

3. Expertise report: after the visit we proceed to the evaluation of your property and to the drafting of the expert report which will be sent to you by email (unless otherwise requested).


Caputo-Expertises specializes in real estate and commercial property appraisals for individuals, merchants, companies and institutions.

Monday to Friday:
08:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 18:00

08:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 18:00

1173 Vieux Chemin de Cagnes, 06610 La Gaude

+33 (0)6 69 18 35 10


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